I am challenging you to start doing this more frequently (if you already do, high five)! You may have just rolled your eyes and thought that “going green” and label reading sounds exhausting, confusing, and too expensive. Here's the deal…
By taking a few extra minutes to read the label on your hair care, you can ensure that your products are organic, healthy, and "green". Products that use pure ingredients may be a bit more expensive than the typical grocery store shampoo, but the benefits are exponential.
Your skin is your body's largest organ, and it absorbs 60% of what you put on it. Our hair and skincare products have an incredible amount of naughty ingredients. Say goodbye to parabens, sodium laurel/laureth sulfate, propylene glycol, and fragrance. Why?
Now, read the labels of your hair and skin care products again. If your label is squeaky clean, double high-five. If not, consider donating it to your garbage can. Neuma products are a healthy hair care alternative. They ensure not to use any harmful chemicals we just mentioned.
If it seems overwhelming to change all your products at once, swap out one naughty product for a good one each time you run out until you have an entire collection of healthy products. Trust me, your body will thank you.
Working at K Bella has opened my eyes to this chemical insanity, and we wish to share this with you so you can make educated decisions about what you use on your body.
Kristan is a Clinically Certified Trichologist specializing in Hair Loss, Scalp problems, directional hair cuts, color corrections for fine and thick hair & all forms of extensions, wigs, toppers, and hairpieces.
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